Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Rapture

I survived. Somehow. I stockpiled food in my basement. I created a plan to survive. I was going to eat my cat. Only to learn that some priest in the southern United States earned 72 million off me and my neighbors fear? WTF! Really, what the *%^# is going on!? Actually, a very profitable business. As I wish my future career to be tycoon, I cant not help but but form a smug smile on my face as I think of his cunning. This is really, truly, amazing. There have been many famous hoaxes throughout United States history [Shows what we decide to do with free speech. Imagine the amazing things that U.S.S.r. citizens would have said given the chance!], but this time someone actually made a profit off of a highly publicized lie! I need to get my deviant little mind into all this! Just wait, U.S.A., I will rewrite Socialism and then colonize the moon with the new government style!

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